Baxi meets three of his offspring
At the show 8 October 2022, Baxi met up with two of his daughters and one of his sons. Check them out below.
Baxi and Djinni's puppies
Baxi & Djinni met up with five of their 8 puppies 19 Dec 2021.
The puppies were born on 20 May 2021 so they are 7 months old.
A sire's owner's dream to see his puppies and the genetic impact he has.
I dag mødtes en lille flok kelpier bestående af far, mor og et antal børn. Fem af de otte rollinger havde tid og lyst til at mødes lidt uden for Roskilde til en gåtur og masser af leg. Da Baxi er en ældre herre, så kom han ikke med på turen, hvor vi brugte en lille time i det indhegnede hundeareal. Han ville slet ikke kunne styre sin ivrighed, og det ville straffe ham når vi kom hjem igen. Man skal passe på sin gamle hund.
Men mor Djinni og Tinas unge han, Gavin, var med og sammen med Djinnis og Baxis hvalpe, havde de en fest.
På fotoet ses fra venstre Cally, Cleo, Coby, Cody og Djinni og Baxi. Cosmo som også var med på turen skulle hjem og nåede desværre ikke at komme med på fællesfotoet.
Flere fotos kan ses i filen ovenfor. God fornøjelse.
First two veteran certificates
Baxi was entered in his first conformation show since his Copenhagen winner title in September 2019. Now 8 yrs old, I entered Baxi in the veteran's class in two shows on the same day. In both shows, Baxi earned a challenge certificate. Now we just need one more and Baxi will be a veteran conformation champion on top of all his other conformation titles. If I decide to enter him in another show in our specialty club, Baxi will also be veteran club champion. I have not decided where to enter Baxi yet, though.
LP2 - another new title
Less than two months ago, Baxi and I passed the LP1. Now we have also passed the LP2 with a very decent score of 262 p. (max 280 p.). We won a 1st prize and won our class with a 1st placement!
We lost 15 points in the send-out (half the exercise), because the judge wanted us to wait until the ring right next to us had settled from handlers praising their dogs loudly and wildly after a group sit and down. We simply lost momentum, and Baxi forgot what the send-out was all about. This is usually one of his favourites. The rest of the exercises went really well. Lost a total of 3 points. Baxi worked really well and focussed, and the judge couldn't believe how lively Baxi was until he saw him between exercises when he was praised. Our ring experience did us good.
I asked one of my competitors if she would take a picture of us when the ring assistant handed over our rosettes. Baxi decided that he needed to sit on a throne, like the king he is, and jumped into the chair right in front of us. Well, he certainly has character, my little guy!
Baxi's babies
This was our second visit to see Baxi's babies. The first time they slept most of the time, because they had been active with their visitors earlier during the day. Today, things were different. They are now shy of 6 weeks and very active little kelpie pups. I really need to get a new camera - the one I have simply cannot figure out how to focus on pups and not on grass. I did manage to take one picture of mum and half the pups.
Baxi's weekend win
12-06-2021 - 13-06-2021
Saturday, Baxi and I tried out LP2 at the unofficial trials at our local training club. Baxi did well and only missed one half of an exercise. He forgot a small jump with the dumbell. Apart from that it was really just little details.
Sunday we were out training in our other club and rushed back to our local one to see who won the different classes and get a chance to chat before summer would kick in. Turned out that Baxi won the LP2 with 249,5 p., and it was announced before we arrived. Anyway, when all the winners of the other disciplines had received their fair applause, I was called to win the trophy of best LP performance 2021. Luckily we only win the trophy for a year as it is almost the size of Baxi. I let it stay at the club, and it turned out that this is what most people do. I suppose no one has room for a trophy of that size and shape.
Unfortunately the pics a club member took with her camera are all blurred.
LP1 - another working title
Today Baxi and I had entered a trial - the Danish Kennel Club obedience 1 (LP1). This is the first time I have trialed in this programme, well, and Baxi too, but Baxi brought in his experience with consistency, and we ended up with a 1st prize (187/200 points) and 2nd winner in the class. On to LP2 with exercises Baxi finds more fun.
See our performance in the video below.
LP1 02-05-2021
Nyt - nyt - nyt
Baxi og Tarrawangas Djinni er blevet parret primo marts. Indavlsgraden er 0.
Hvis du er interesseret i at komme på venteliste, kontakt venligst Djinnis ejer Tina Hindsdal, kennel Ready To Work, tlf +45 2990 7163.
Baxi and Tarrawangas Djinni have been bred early March. The inbreeding coefficient is 0.
If you are interested in going on the waiting list, please contact Djinni's owner Tina Hindsdal, kennel Ready To Work, phone +45 2990 7163.
Scent articles
This is a new exercise Baxi learned in less than three weeks. Now all I need is to increase distance to articles. He is good at three metres while the exercise requires 5 metres.
Rec mod Jan 2020.
Complex brain game
Rec 20 Jan 2021
Simple brain activity
Baxi finishing the Dog Turbo in just 30 secs.
Early Jan 2021.
Eye certification
Baxi had his eyes tested today, 7.5 yrs old. He came out with a clear certification!
Baxi was such a good patient, greeted animals and people alike. Hugged and licked at least three vets and all were taken by his friendly disposition. The two examining vets were impressed with him being their first eye patient today who sat still during the entire examination.
Biased? Of course! But Baxi is just the sweetest boy!
Unofficial rally novice winner
Today Baxi participated in the novice class in an unofficial rally competition in our local club. This was Baxi's first rally performance ever and he did really well. Baxi scored a nice 96 points. He was the only novice dog so no immediate competitors; however, he was the winner of the day as he performed better than the other dogs in the other, more advanced classes. All in all, a very nice day!
Baxi 7 years!
Just a few days ago on 16 May, Baxi held his 7th birthday. We drove into town to get some special treats for him and had a nice walk around the lake in the company of kelpie friend. A special day with lots of fun activities.
Baxi is still going strong and I practice core exercises with him every other day. Soon - I hope - the weather will get warmer so Baxi can start swimming again. Besides this, Baxi still tracks and he will soon begin new adventures in training.
Just two weeks prior to Baxi's birthday, the vet described Baxi as extremely well-kept, lean and in perfect muscular condition.
Copenhagen Winner - BOB
Ballerup International Show - 21 Sept.
I decided to enter Baxi, because I was expecting 'old' dog friends from Australia and had asked them if they would be interested in spending some of their time here in DK at a Danish dog show.
So off Baxi and I went and arrived at 8 am. Friends arrived a little later. We were dog and handler no 5 in the ring so it was an early start and finish. Quite out of the ordinary we had another male to compete against (usually there are only females), but as he didn't earn a CK (certificate quality) and Baxi did, Baxi ran with the title of Copenhagen Winner as well as BOB.
Photos: Ann-Marie Boyd
Below: Click to enlarge.
Baxi's summer holiday 2019
Check it out here: Adventures
Lomma, Sweden
Every year for many years the working dog club in Lomma, Sweden has been the venue for a Kelpie Special conformation show. This year it is their last. To support the show, a bunch of Kelpies drove to Sweden to show our Kelpies. Six Danish Kelpies were entered and the rest were from Sweden. Altogether 25 Kelpies. A couple of extra Kelpies came along for the ride and to attempt to win the Casey Cup for the search exercise. We drove back home with four certificates, a rosette for 97 points in the beginner rally class, and the Casey Cup.
Baxi was handled by Judy, an acquaintance who hasn't handled him before. They did very well, and Baxi became 3rd best CH male and 4th best male. It was fun to see him among the other strong champion males.
Here's the judge's critique (orginal in Swedish below):
Beautiful expression, fine eyes and ears. Great topline. Gives a somewhat low set impression. Powerful chest and great front. Great angulations. Moves with sufficient stride. Great composition with good coat.
Vackert uttryck, fina ögon & öron. Bra överlinje. Ger ett ngt. lågställt intryck. Kraftfull bröstkorg & bra front. Bra vinklar. Rör sig med tillr. steg. Bra helhet med goda pälsanlag.
Now also Swedish Show Champion!
By now it is no secret that Baxi is a very handsome kelpie. This Sunday we went to Hässleholm, Sweden, and earned our second Nordic CAC (of three). In addition we earned a Swedish CAC and Baxi became a Swedish Show Champion - on top of all his other show titles, including International Show Champion.
Baxi was handled by our good friend Eva to his very best. What would I do without her?!
Rarely do judges speak with the handlers/owners of a dog, but this time was different. She not only emphasised his excellent looks, but also asked about his background, genetically as well as working.
Here's Baxi's critique (translated - original in Swedish follows):
6 yrs. Well-moving. Typical. Slightly lengthy male with excellent proportions. Well-shaped head. Well-shaped eyes. Good bite, teeth, ear shape. Excellent forechest, chest, bone structure, angulations and movement.
(6 år. Välgående. Typfull. En aning längsträckt hane med utm bygnadsförhållande. Välformat huvud. Välformade ögen. Bra bett, tänder, öronform. Utm. förbröst, bröstkorg, benstamme, vinklar & Rörelser.)
More pictures below - click for full size.
You always need a reason to do something. In this case I needed to teach Baxi to swim to get him fit again after an injury. And we're not talking about getting any dog to swim. We're talking about Baxi - the guy who believes that men don't believe in clean feet, so don't get them wet! Well, there was no way back, only forward.
Surprisingly it didn't really take many attempts. A flexi leash can work wonders along with a lead around the belly to keep him up. But it took a lot of convincing that he could do it. At the recreation area, the lake is an old gravel pit that slides down gently until a few metres out. Then it leads into a steep 5-metre drop. And Baxi didn't like to head that way. I managed to pull Baxi out backwards, and then he started swinning back towards the beach. Good dog!
After about four swimming lessons, I had to let go of the lead around Baxi's belly or I would have slid into the water myself, and although I lost a good quality leather leash, I discovered that Baxi could keep up his back and lie horizontally in the water. So from that day on I no longer needed the extra lead. Now I just needed to coach Baxi to going into the water on his own: A new big challenge.
Baxi still needs some coaching, but he will go in, he will jump in, and he will also go in at our local dog pool that we will be using from now since the weather and outdoor water is too cold. I must say that I am very pleased with Baxi and pleased with him trusting me enough to understand that he can do what he never thought possible. But then, Baxi will do anything for his mum and a stick!
Baxi and I drove to the north of Zealand this morning. I had entered us in the FH 1 tracking trial. I knew I was taking a chance because we do not have access to good training facilities. Only Wednesday I managed to see how Baxi would deal with crossing a road, which he dealt with like he had been tracking on roads his whole life. We also managed to test a cross track, which he also coped with well. Then Friday, I was able to borrow a meadow that I planned to use to test a 3-hr track (our first). The meadow was under water and full of fine little nettles, not the best for a dog with sensitive feet. But Baxi worked through it despite all my faults. At the trial, the field could only be better. And it was; it was superb. No complaints there.
Baxi started very well and he continued to work the best he knew, his head high in between, and a little too much speed to stay in the track round the corners. But he worked very independently and I was very happy with him. We got through the track much better than I had anticipated and with a score of 86 p.